Sunday, April 18, 2010


So I messed up tonight...I had been doing pretty decent with paying attention to body language, but not so much today!

Sunday nights are the nights my small group from church gets together and like usual, Bill had a movie he HAD to show me and invited me to stay and watch it while I worked on my paper that was due the next day. Ashley, Bill's wife, had just gotten home that evening from the weekend women's retreat and seemed pretty tired so I asked to make sure she was o.k. with me staying after we were done meeting. When we were talking about it she seemed less than enthusiastic like normal but she said sure.

After working on my paper and getting half way through the movie, Ashley announced that she was going to bed and hardly said goodnight. This is when I was really cued into her body language and the way she really felt. I felt pretty lame for not analyzing the whole situation, especially her body language, when I made my decision of weather to stay or not.

Guess this whole taking body language into account is as easy as it seems!

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