Monday, April 19, 2010

What am I putting out there?

In class this morning, Kyle presented on improving his listening for his capstone project. During the presentation he mentioned what kind of listener he is in his classes. It was mentioned that active listening includes leaning forward and sitting upright while someone is speaking. This made me think about myself and how I present my body language.
For the past two years I have been a student here at Sac State. What has my body language told others about myself. Have I shown my professors that I am listening and active by my body language? I catch myself leaning forward during lectures but other times I am looking around, looking at other work or plain ol' staring off into space. I need to be more aware of myself and what my body language is giving off to others.
So to all my professors and fellow students, I am sorry if my body language looked less than interested in what you were saying. I promise from here on out, really only three more weeks till graduation; that I will be aware of my body language. I'll lean forward, nod, and laugh at your jokes. Promise!

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