Thursday, May 6, 2010

The End Has Come

Over the last few weeks, I feel like I have reinforced things I knew to be true and learned a few new things about body language, as well as myself. When I think back, I have realized how important it is to look at the small things. Body language is such a small piece of our interaction but plays one of the biggest roles. I have noticed bad days, had people open up when I realize something is wrong, walked away when I knew something was wrong, and been frustrated when people did not notice my body language.

One of the most eye opening experiences is when I was quite upset when people didn't notice from my body language that I was having a bad day. I was upset because I noticed when they weren't having a good day and they couldn't take a few minutes to make sure I was doing o.k.. After letting this sit for a few days, I realized that I can't be mad. I have been fortunate enough to study Communications and understand all the inner workings of it. Most to do realize what an important part body language plays in the world of communication. I can't be mad they they have not learned everything that I have. I need to remind myself of this often and try to relay this important information.

I believe that if you lead by example, others will catch on. All I can do is be responsible for my actions and hopefully I can share my knowledge with others. Life is about learning and we can't expect everyone to know everything. Communication is so important and we who understand thing need to be the ones to get the word out.

This project has challenged me to continue learning about communication and body language alike so that I may use it effectively. If I do not use the knowledge that I have acquired, the last two years have been a complete waste.

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